Because you're not looking for someone to fill their day. You want us to fuel their future.

It's well known that participation in high quality Early Childhood Education contributes to stronger learning foundations. The government understands this, which is why they fund twenty hours a week.

In their time at Preschool our children have become more confident, independent and have made wonderful friendships. We love being part of the Preschool community and wouldn’t hesitate recommending the centre to others.

The Tucker Family 2023

Professional Early Childhood Educators

Because Marsden Preschool Teaching staff are all professional Early Childhood educators, we meet the highest standards. 


Marsden Preschool is for girls and boys, aged 3 to 5 years. We are open 8:15am – 3:30pm, five days a week during school terms. Most children come five days, but there are options for 3 or 4 day attendance:

  • 3 year old children must attend a minimum of 3 days a week
  • 4 year old children must attend a minimum of 4 days a week.

The Marsden difference

The big difference, though, is that we are part of the Samuel Marsden Collegiate School Community. We're very clear about the ultimate goal of education for all children: we prepare children and young people for lives of meaning, accomplishment and genuine happiness.


At Marsden Preschool values-based means an age appropriate focus on Marsden's core values of Hiranga–Excellence, ManahauResilience, AhuahatangaCreativity, OhaGiving and Whangaungatanga–Relationships. Children's response to the positive environment we create is extraordinary: by the time they leave us for Primary, they are already well on the way in life.

Marsden Preschool Handbook 2024

A useful guide to how Marsden Preschool runs on a day to day basis, term dates, what your child will need to bring and who to contact, etc.

Children’s developing social competence and understanding of appropriate behaviour is supported. Teachers engage in meaningful, positive interactions to enhance children’s learning and nurture reciprocal relationships. The service curriculum is inclusive and responsive to children. Regular opportunities are provided for parents to communicate with adults providing education and care and be involved in decision-making about their child. The design and layout of the premises support different types of experiences and space for a range of appropriate learning experiences.

2024 Education Review Office

Helen McConnell

Head of Preschool
(04) 476 8707

Children really respond to the environment we provide. It's wonderful to see them grow.

Helen McConnell, Head of Marsden Preschool