• 15 March 2016

Tilly the Donkey helps us celebrate

Samuel Marsden Preschool and Primary School celebrated “Palm Sunday” this week. Palm Sunday occurs the week before Easter and recalls the time Jesus entered into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, crowds welcoming Him, waving palm branches and cheering “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna (praise) in the highest heaven”.


Tilly the donkey and some farm animals from Zippity Zoo came to visit the students to help re-create this triumphant procession into Jerusalem. The students made their own “palms” for waving, and processed round the courtyard and into the chapel singing “Make way, make way for Christ the King in splendour arrives!” In chapel the gospel story was read, before singing again as they processed out to meet and pet the other farm animals.


Students listen to the Gospel with Tilly the Donkey in Marsden Chapel

“It’s really important that we cover the whole journey Jesus made that week before Easter.” Says Sarah King, Chaplain at Marsden. “On Palm Sunday Jesus was hailed as a King, son of God, and someone who would rescue the people from Roman occupation. By Thursday, Jesus’ disciples gathered to celebrate the Passover meal and that night Jesus was betrayed and arrested. Good Friday was the day Jesus was crucified, and Easter day doesn’t make sense without accepting the reality of Jesus’ sacrifice bring atonement for us. Then we can celebrate Easter Day – a day of victory, new life and chocolate!”
