• 19 October 2020

Marden girls tackle Mud Run

Billed as an 'Extreme Off Road Running Event', the Tough Guy and Gal Challenge at Camp Wainui provided a unique opportunity for Marsden's junior and senior runners to get 'down and dirty' in the annual mud run on Friday 16 October.

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Set in a beautiful native bush environment our intrepid girls had to run through water trails, crawl under barbwire obstacles, clamber through tunnels, wade through swamp crossings, pull themselves up hill climbs and clamber through mud, mud and more mud! 

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Our Year 6 running club girls tackled their 3km course in very tough weather. They even won best dressed and two spot prizes. 

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The seniors 6km course was more of a challenge and our gutsy girls were up for it, finishing the race covered in mud but with smiles on their faces!

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A fabulous effort girls, you should all be very proud of yourselves.