Getting to Marsden is easy
Students of all ages travel from all parts of the Greater Wellington region to attend Marsden in Karori.
Bus Service
Marsden and Metlink run bus services from the Wellington suburbs to Marsden and return. The buses arrive and depart from the Vera Street entrance.
Younger children can be buddied with an older student travelling on the same bus. Please speak to your child's teacher to arrange this.
There is a duty teacher who monitors the children as they leave Marsden at the end of the day. The buses depart at 3.40pm.
For the most up to date information about routes and bus timetables, please see Metlink.
* Marsden only buses | |
Bus # | To and From Marsden |
673* | Churton Park, Broadmeadows, Ngaio, Marsden |
674* | Khandallah, Ngaio, Wilton, Marsden |
677* | Island Bay, Kingston, Kelburn, Marsden |
14 | Kilbirnie, Hataitai, Roseneath, Wilton, Marsden |
Whilst we are confident that Marsden students have good options to get to school and into town, the safety of our students is paramount. Please get in touch with us if you’d like to organise a bus buddy for your daughter. Contact Katherine Priddle or Tamara Moore at or by calling (04) 476 8707 if you have any queries.
For other details phone Metlink on (04) 801 7000. This is a free telephone enquiry service which normally operates 24hrs, 7 days with the exception of Christmas Day. If you live outside the Wellington free call area, you can also contact Metlink on 0800 801 7000. See
Eastbourne Shuttle Service
Marsden also operates a school shuttle service from Eastbourne.
The Eastbourne route varies according to students' needs, with a pickup in Woburn and Petone then up to Karori. It is scheduled to arrive at school by 8:15am. The shuttle returns via Petone Station to Eastbourne.
If you would like your daughter to be added to the waitlist for the Eastbourne shuttle, please contact Jo Sherlock by email or calling (04) 476 8707 Ext. 832.
Snapper Cards

Snapper enabled Student ID
Year 7-13 students new to Marsden will have their photo taken when they start school and will be issued a few weeks later with a Snapper enabled Student ID card. The card costs $20.50. If your daughter loses her ID card or is experiencing problems with her card, please contact the school office at or (04) 476 8707. Please register the Snapper online by creating a Snapper account so that you can view the transaction summary and type of concession. Registering the Snapper also makes it possible for the card to be returned to your daughter should she mislay it. The card can be topped up at dairies, other Snapper providers and through the Snapper App.
Primary students can get a green Snapper card from Snapper providers, which has a travel discount applied entitling them to child fare discounts on public transport.
For further information see
For students coming to Marsden from further afield, there are regular train services on the Kapiti, Hutt Valley, Johnsonville, Melling and Wairarapa lines to the Wellington Railway Station. From there it's a short 6 mins walk to Lambton Quay North - Stop A, where they can catch either Bus #34 or #2 to Karori Road at Lancaster Street, and then it's an easy stroll to Marsden.
At the end of the day students can catch the #14 Bus from Marsden which stops at the Railway station. Bus #2 departs regularly from Marsden Village and students can get off at Lambton Quay North - Stop D and walk to the Railway Station.