Celebrating the Marsden years
We have eleven Year 13 students who have been with us since Preschool and Primary (our Lifetimers). Together with their families they joined Principal, Jenny Williams, Academic Director, Margaret Adeane, Pastoral Director, Anne Field and Marsden Primary Director, Celia McCarthy at drinks last night to celebrate their years at Marsden. A bitter sweet time for remembering and farewelling at the same time.
We salute them for their committment to Marsden and look forward to hearing about their lives beyond these school grounds. All the very best girls!
Our very special Lifetimers are:
Isabella Antoniadis
Georgia and Maggie Burns
Srimoyee Chakravorty
Penny O'Brien
Eleanor Olson
Olivia Pearless
Jasmine Seidelin (unfortunately Jasmine could not join us)
Sarsha Sivanantham
Elizabeth Summers
Madeline Whyte

Lifetimers with their parents