Weather did not deter Marsden spirit
Despite a wet and windy start the 2018 Marsden Athletics day took off with a vibrant and vocal march past. Students of all ages entered their respective events with enthusiasm, high participation levels and a willingness to compete for their houses – the girls showed awesome spirit and had a great time.


Hadfield Beere
Our top athletes displayed strength and grit and we look forward to hearing about their successes at western zones next week.


Head of Health and PE, Michelle Ferris, really enjoyed her first Marsden athletics day saying, "The house spirit shown by students was outstanding, participation numbers were fantastic, especially in the junior school and it was lovely to see so many parents taking time out of their busy schedules to come and support the girls."


Swainson Riddiford
Results will be announced at Assembly on 5 March 2018.
See more photos on our Facebook page.