Global Sisterhood
Friday 8th March is International Women's Day and Marsden students celebrated this day of global sisterhood in a number of ways.
Principal Narelle Umbers took four students to Parliament to a special breakfast to hear keynote speakers, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, the Hon Julie Anne Genter (Minister for Women) and Lawyer activist/Wellingtonian of the Year, Steph Dyberg, talk about equality. Tegan Martin, Grace Masseurs, Aishlin and Sophie Brown were thrilled to be at this event with these women of influence.
Meanwhile back at Marsden, senior students and their tutors shared breakfast while watching a live-stream of the IWD broadcast from Parliament. Thank you to the UN Women National Committee Aotearoa NZ and the Zonta Club of Wellington for the live broadcast, an inspiring start to the day.

Live-stream at Marsden
Academic Director, Margaret Adeane accompanied Sofia Newton-Urlich and Kate Thomason to the Australian High Commission for their International Women’s Day breakfast panel event.

At Australian High Commission
The theme for this year's International Women’s Day is: Think equal, build smart, innovate for change, and we encourage our students to be empowered by what they have heard today and be a part of the change process.