Getting creative for Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand
Two Marsden students have done extremely well in two Shakespeare Globe Centre New Zealand competitions this year and we applaud their creativity.
Year 13 Design Tech student Chine Ang has had her "quirky design for Puck" selected as one of four finalists in the SGCNZ/Dawn Sanders Shakespeare Costume Design Competition. All four designs will be constructed by professional Costumier, Tina de Bes. They will be modelled during the Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare festival and next year they will go on display at Shakespeare’s Globe in London for 6 weeks. The Supreme Winner will have the opportunity to attend the week-long National Shakespeare Schools Production course in Dunedin, as the Student Costumier. This is an awesome result for Chine to see her creation come to life.

Unna Alagusundaram in Year 8 has won third prize in the SGCNZ/Adam Foundation Shakespeare Static Image & Poster Competition. Unna created her wonderful poster inspired by The Merchant of Venice during lockdown. SGCNZ Chief Executive Dawn Saunders phoned to tell her she had come third saying how "impressed she was with Unna's work" especially for her age! Well done Unna!