Welcome to new staff and students
Welcome to Term 2 everyone, naumai, haere mai. We are excited at the prospect of another fantastic term together. It was wonderful to formally welcome our new staff members this morning with a Haka Pōwhiri; Deputy Principal Jenny Caldwell, Director of Sport Rosie Kirkpatrick, IT Technician Harsh Prajapati, and our 2023 Artist in Residence Marci Tackett. We also welcome two trainee teachers, George Hollis, and Phoebe Hewitt.
Today is also the first day at Marsden for Jess in Year 11 and Olivia and Yixiao who are 5 years old, and who are joining Mrs Dhiru’s Year 1 class.

Jenny Caldwell has come to us from St Mary’s College, where she was already a Deputy Principal, and before that, she worked as a Head of Arts at Wellington College. We feel incredibly fortunate to have someone of her experience and calibre join our team here at Marsden, however we are even more excited to be welcoming her back to the school she attended. Welcome home Jenny, it feels absolutely perfect and right to have you with us.

Deputy Principal Jenny Caldwell
Our new Director of Sport, Rosie Kirkpatrick, has also returned to Marsden as she worked for us earlier in her career as a Sports Coordinator. Another magnificent addition to the Marsden family.
Director of Sport, Rosie Kirkpatrick

Thank you to students, Cate, Arabella, and Emily for leading the school in Haka Powhiri, which is beginning to take its place as tikanga here. Haka Powhiri formally welcomes our guests, and it brings meaning and intention to our gathering.
Thank you also to Matua Derek (Kawhiti) for kaikorero, and for your support, guidance, and encouragement; and to Raiha and Sarah for kaikaranga, and for fulfilling this cultural practice that provides the basis for whaikorero. This connection between the living and the spiritual worlds stems from the heart and epitomises mana wāhine – women of strength and integrity. Kia ora.