• 04 August 2023

Jellicoe wins House Music, again!

What an amazing House Music competition we experienced at Marsden yesterday. Our six houses had been practicing for weeks for this moment to perform in front of an audience of their peers, staff, and our special adjudicator, Shawn Condon.  


Each house performed the required waiata 'Whakataka te Hau', and while it was the same song, they all used different arrangements, and all gave a beautiful rendition.

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Head of Houses, Sophie Hull and Louisa Boyer introduced each House

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Adjudicator, Shawn Condon


They followed this up with their chosen piece, a fabulous collection of oldies but goodies!

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Hadfield Beere

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Swainson Riddiford

And staff even got in on the act with a great Marsdenised version of Mama Mia! It was such a feel-good afternoon.

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Marsden Staff rock our 'Marsden Mia'

Of course, there can be only one winner! Congratulations to Jellicoe for their second-straight House Music victory, adding to their redemption story of last year.  Hadfield-Beere were runners-up, with Richmond in third place.


Many thanks to our adjudicator Shawn Condon, it wasn't an easy task. Shawn is eminently qualified as a music educator, conductor, researcher, and Music Director of the Bach Choir of Wellington. We are very grateful that he agreed to judge this fiercely-contested musical competition. 


Well done to the House Captains for their tremendous effort in preparing their Houses for their performances, with jubilant and fun-filled chosen pieces and spine-tingling renditions of our waiata. Whilst competition was hot, House spirit was parochial and support for one another was the true winner on the day. Ke te pai e te whanau.


Here's a small clip from a wonderful afternoon of music.