• 30 October 2023

Time to say farewell

Today, we said farewell to our Year 13 students, which is always a bittersweet moment; they have reached the end of their school days! With only exams, end-of-year functions and the Leavers' Ball to go, they will soon be off on their next exciting journey!

First thing this morning we enjoyed a special communion and breakfast with their parents. 

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At the final assembly, we looked back at their time at Marsden. Principal Paula Wells and senior staff were thanked with bouquets, and Year 12 students gave our leavers a fun send-off with a song and video messages. 

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Thanks to Marsden Old Girls for providing strawberries and ice cream for morning tea and welcoming them to the Old Girls' Association with a newly designed pin. Their day concluded with the Principal's BBQ lunch. 

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We thank our 2023 Year 13s for their leadership and wish them all the best! Ka kite anō.
