• 07 August 2024


What an amazing day of music we had on Tuesday with a record 44 entries at the 2024 Swainson Memorial Music Competition. We are incredibly proud of all our performers, whose talent and dedication shone through in every performance.


Our esteemed adjudicator, Peter Walls ONZM, faced the challenging task of selecting winners from the outstanding pool of talent. We extend our gratitude to our wonderful accompanist, Gabriela Glapska, for her invaluable support of our students.


The day culminated in a delightful prizewinners' concert in the evening, showcasing the best performances of the competition. Congratulations to all the students who performed, particulaly the well-deserved winners.


Middle School Prize for Junior Performance

The Middle School Prize for Junior Performance was introduced in 2020 and is open to Year 7 and 8 students in recognition of their outstanding performance at the Swainson competition. The recipient receives a Director of Music Award.

Year 7-8 Winners

  • Adjudicator's Award: Leah Zhai (Year 7)
  • Highly Commended: Kristen Young (Year 7)
  • Middle School Cup: Nata Sekicki (Year 8)


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Year 7 and 8 Winners

Marian Campbell Prize for Junior Performance

The Marian Campbell Prize for Junior Performance was introduced in 2022 and is open to Year 9 and 10 students in recognition of their outstanding performance at the Swainson competition. The recipient receives a Director of Music Award.

Year 9-10 Winners

  • Adjudicator's Award: Fengyao Liu (Year 9)
  • Highly Commended: Jovita Mao (Year 9)
  • Marian Campbell Cup: Chloe Shi (Year 10)


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Year 9 and 10 Winners

Betty Swainson Memorial Prize for Musical Performance

The Betty Swainson Memorial Prize for Musical Performance was established in our Centenary Year in 1978 and is open to students in Years 11 to 13 in recognition of their outstanding performance at the Swainson competition. The recipient receives a Director of Music Award.

Year 11-13 Winners

  • Adjudicator's Award: Abigail Hyde (Year 11)
  • Highly Commended: Lilja Leppanen (Year 11)
  • Senior School Cup: Aubane Farcy (Year 12)
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Year 11 to 13 Winners

Nell Clere Music Scholarship

Kathleen Clere (Nell) was a past pupil and music teacher at Marsden. She helped establish the Old Girls’ Association with Miss Baber and in 1936 was its second president. Her interest and support in the school and its endeavours remained with her all her life. This scholarship, valued at $1,000, is awarded annually by the Old Girls’ Association to a student from Years 7–12 who shows considerable potential. The scholarship enables the recipient to continue their musical studies while at Marsden.


  • Highly Commended: Claire Zhong (Year 7)
  • Nell Clere Music Scholarship: Christina He (Year 7)


Congratulations to all our talented musicians and scholarship recipients. Your hard work and passion for music are truly inspiring. We look forward to seeing your continued growth and success in the future.

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Christina He and Claire Zhong