Because so much depends on what happens right at the very beginning.

The ultimate goal

Parents of Marsden Primary girls understand a crucial fact about education: building a strong foundation for learning gives their child the best start. They appreciate that the purpose of education is not simply to prepare children for university and a career, but to prepare them for success in life. And - when that's your measure - you understand it doesn't make sense to wait until your daughter is college age. Strong foundations are laid early. From the minute your child walks in the door, your family becomes part of the Marsden community.


The most striking characteristic of Marsden Primary girls is their confidence and self-esteem.  That's an outcome of our holistic approach. Of course we deliver the New Zealand curriculum, but - much more than that - we're developing our girls as the individuals they are. Learning specific speaking and listening skills as they journey through Marsden Primary, our Year 6 students have developed into good leaders and are ready to take on the leadership roles available.

My daily focus is how we will continue to empower our students to reach their full potential in an ever-changing world.

Jo Burns, Head of Marsden Primary

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Small class sizes and caring staff

It's the Marsden philosophy in action. Our classes are smaller, which allows us to take a close personal interest in every student, because every child is unique.


Our staff are approachable and accessible. Student learning is a three-way process between child, parents and teacher. Regular contact is key to this success and we operate an open door policy.


Marsden’s Primary School has truly brought out the best in our daughters. The leadership opportunities, teaching resources and incredible learning environment Marsden offers has convinced us it’s the best investment we could ever make.

Kate and Jamie Fitzgerald, 2021

Marsden Primary Handbook 2024

Our Primary School Handbook outlines the values, goals, and organisation of Marsden Primary. It highlights relevant aspects of the curriculum and also provides general information for parents and students.

We're so proud of our students. Watch Marsden Primary's end of year celebration from 2021 below: