NCEA is our primary qualification at Marsden
NCEA at Marsden
NCEA is a robust and internationally recognised qualification that opens doors to global opportunities. With a proven track record of outstanding NCEA results, Marsden provides students with a solid educational foundation and continues to outperform other high-achieving schools.
NCEA's modular approach enables flexibility and helps us tailor courses that best fit your needs. The combination of both internal and external assessment means that you are 'banking' results as the year progresses and have real knowledge of your progress. You are able to set and adjust goals accordingly. We are proud of where NCEA success has taken many of our former students.
Marsden's NCEA Assessment Policy and Procedure is printed in the Marsden Student Handbook. Students and parents/caregivers will be asked to sign an acknowledgement that they have read and understood the NCEA assessment policy via the Marsden Portal.
Details of your internal assessment calendar, are available for each NCEA level. Your teachers will give you individual assessment calendars for each subject.
Feedback is a very important part of the assessment process. Read the guidelines here about the appropriate way to seek and apply learning from feedback.
Extensions and Appeals
Under special circumstances (see the Marsden NCEA Assessment Policy), you may be granted an extension. Complete the extension form here and submit it to our Deputy Principal | Head of Senior School, Jenny Caldwell.
If you wish to appeal a grade and have discussed it first with your teacher (see the criteria in the Marsden NCEA Assessment Policy), complete the appeal form here and submit it to Deputy Principal | Head of Senior School, Jenny Caldwell.
Reader/Writer support for Assessment
Follow the link which gives detailed information on how you access reader/writer support and the requirements for students and parents.
Scholars' Awards
At Marsden, we hold an annual Scholars' Assembly to acknowledge those students whose performance in the previous year's qualifications (including NCEA and Scholarship) was particularly outstanding. You can read details of the criteria for these awards on the Scholars' Awards Criteria page.
NZQA Scholarship
To find out about New Zealand Scholarship exams, which target high-achieving Level 3 students with a desire to extend their learning, go to the NZ Scholarships page.